The AssetSphere asset management system has been developed in cooperation with some of the largest outdoor advertising companies in South Africa over the course of almost a decade.
End-to-End Asset ManagementIn addition to managing your assets, AssetSphere also offers a suite of other functionality such as CRM, Document management, Job flow control, GIS and Mapping, Contracting, Invoicing and Accounting system integration. Get the benefits of all of these systems working together seamlessly in one comprehensive software package.
Infinitely CustomisableAssetSphere is not an "off-the-shelf" software package. We work with your organisation to customise it, to fit in with your business processes and we provide you with the level of customisation that you require.
Made to fit any business.AssetSphere is not only for the outdoor advertising industry. Its flexibility means it can be customised for any type of business that requires this level of asset management, from warehousing to the home security industry.

Customer Relations (CRM)Manage and report on your customer interactions using reminders, timelines and Kanban boards. It also features integration into the Microsoft Outlook calendar to ensure all your appointments show in one place.

GIS AND MAPPINGPlot all your assets on a variety of map types. You gain access to a complete suite of mapping tools including distance measurement, Shapefile and KML integration, searching for nearby places of interest and map overlays.

CONTRACT GENERATIONAssetSphere's advanced contract generation module calculates contract billings for the full contract period up-front, allowing the forecasting of future income. It also allows for "Until Canceled" contracts by automatically adding months onto a contract and applying increases.

JOB AND PROCESS CONTROLOffering unlimited user-defined job types, document management on jobs, a full log of all job history, automatic resizing of images attached to jobs, the list of features is endless.

DASHBOARDS AND REPORTINGAssetSphere ties all this functionality together with a comprehensive suite of reports and customisable, user dashboards. Access, compare, show history and cross-reference every piece of information stored in the system with ease.